Fixed the issue that star coin 2 in World 2-5 cannot be get.Fixed the bug that when entering any green mushroom house after quitting a level by pressing F3, Mario will infinitely die.Fixed the problem of Mario being not able to push ice blocks in some levels.
#Wrong sound effect super mario world series
Adjust the condition of Scorer series achievements.Fixed the disappearance of the star coins get when playing some levels.Fixed the problem that chests of Yellow Bonus Room sometimes opened with no items.Fixed the Boom Booms of World 4 disappearing sometimes.Fixed the sound and display problem when passing the level with 0 time bonus.Modified Mario's movements on platforms.Fixed the issue that Mario can pierce through solid platforms when stepping on a falling platform.

Beetroot cannot interact with save blocks in Save Game Room.Fixed the problem that you need to hit the save block to see the achievements even when you have chosen a save in Save Game Room.Fixed star coin icons sometimes disappear.Fixed the display problems of levels in the world map.Fixed that Boom Boom can sometimes fly out of top border of the level.Fixed the small flaw of background of 2-6.Fixed that the Angry Sun sometimes does not appear fully.Updated dialogs of zqh, removed some misleading information (Some of the levels mentioned and number of star coins are wrong.).Modified Mario's movement on platforms.Fixed the bug that Mario can swim as Statue Mario.Fixed the problem that Player can get no death bonus even when died after check point.Fixed the problem that sometimes Small Mario can break bricks.Fixed the problem that spotlights sometimes do not activate (The star coin influenced will be reset).Fixed the solid issue of a pipe in 4-1.Fixed the problem that when Mario touch the goal as Statue Mario and the player keep on pressing down, Mario will move right as Statue Mario.Modified the efficiency of reading save file.Fixed the logical problem of a puzzle level (The star coin influenced will be reset).Possibly fix infinite death in shops in some cases.Fixed +clock, superstar and P-wings usability issue in bonus games and shops.Fixed star coins automatically get in some cases.Fixed infinite death in 3-Ghost House when rebirth after the final check point.Cut down requirements of some achievements, especially those who can't be achieved in current version.Fixed no BGM when rebirth after checkpoint in 3-2.Fixed some progress calculation problems.